What's Artificial Intelligence ?

It is a branch of computer science that seeks to design intelligent machines, that is, equipped with computer systems capable of simulating human abilities in logical thinking and learning in order to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence to accomplish...


intelligence in education

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science. The simplest definition of it is that it is the science that makes machines think like humans, i.e. a computer with a...

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face recognition

The capabilities of artificial intelligence in facial recognition have developed very quickly in a short period of time, and these systems work by comparing facial features...

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high quality pictures

One example of using artificial intelligence to improve smartphone photos is the Super Res Zoom feature that allows users to digitally zoom in while taking a photo using an...

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Intelligence in drones

The term “drone” combines “drone” and part of the word “robot.” Drones have now become one of the advanced tools in modern warfare.

The world is entering an era in which the so-called “strong” artificial intelligence is dominating, trying to compete with the cognitive capabilities of humans in terms of creating opportunities and creating risks in terms of political, economic, financial and cyber security. The world's major powers have started a race against time in order to achieve leadership and control the capabilities resulting from the uses of artificial intelligence, which is an indicator of the present and future of international leadership. The volume of international investment in artificial intelligence has been increasing since 2010 by about 60% annually, which makes it possible to increase the AI ​​quotient of companies.


Post-artificial intelligence

Here we can ask: Where are we now? and what?. The manifestations of the age of artificial intelligence say that we live in an era of agricultural economy and medieval feudalism. It may not be correct to say this description, when we understand that it may injure someone, but the essence of the age in which we live is the one who reveals it.

The era of agricultural economy imposed the existence of only two classes in society, and no third, namely the landlord class, who were famous for their feudalism, bourgeoisie and blue-blooded people in the descriptions of history and historians, who dealt with the issue of the injustice of those classes in those eras. The second is the toiling class and the workers, who, according to the laws of the landlord class, are not entitled to own or be freed from work in the landlords' fields and lands.

Questions frequent

1- Narrow AI

It is artificial intelligence that specializes in one field, for example, there are artificial intelligence systems that can beat the world champion in the game of chess, which is the only thing they do.

2- artificial general intelligence

This type refers to computers with the level of human intelligence in all fields , that is, it can perform any intellectual task that a person can perform. Creating this type of intelligence is much more difficult than the previous type and we have not reached this level yet.

3- Super Artificial Intelligence

Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom defines superintelligence as “thought far smarter than the best human minds in nearly every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom, and social skills,” and because of this type the field of artificial intelligence is an interesting area to delve into.

The problem of simulating (or creating) intelligence has been divided into a number of specific sub-problems. These consist of specific traits or capabilities that researchers would like to embody in an intelligent system. The features listed below have received the most attention.
The first researchers in the science of artificial intelligence developed algorithms that simulate the sequential logical reasoning that humans do when solving puzzles, playing backgammon or logical deductions. In the 1980s and 1990s, artificial intelligence research led to highly successful ways of dealing with uncertain or incomplete information, using concepts from probability and economics. For difficult problems, most of these algorithms require huge computational resources—resulting in a "combination explosion": the amount of memory or time needed for computers becomes astronomical when the problem exceeds a certain size. The search for algorithms that are more capable of solving problems is a top priority for AI research
1- Cybernetics and brain simulation

In the 1940s and 1950s, a number of researchers explored the relationship between neuroscience, information theory, and cybernetics. Some of them built machines that use electronic networks to display primitive intelligence such as turtles and. W. Gray Walter and the Johns Hopkins Monster. Many of these scholars gathered for meetings of the Teleological Society at Princeton University and the Relativity Club in England. By 1960, the curriculum was largely obsolete, although some elements of it came to life again in the 1980s.

2- Traditional symbolic artificial intelligence

When digital computers became possible in the mid-1950s, artificial intelligence research began to explore the possibility that human intelligence could be reduced to symbol control. The research center of the three institutions: CMU, Stanford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, each developed its own method of research. John Haugeland called these approaches to AI "good old fashioned AI" or "GOFAI".

3- semi-symbolic artificial intelligence

During the 1960s, symbolic approaches had great success in simulating higher-level thinking in small representative programs. Curricula based on cybernetics or neural network have been abandoned or pushed into the background. In the 1980s, though, advances in symbolic artificial intelligence stalled, and many believed that symbolic systems would not be able to simulate all processes of human cognition, particularly perception, robotics, learning and pattern recognition. A number of researchers have begun looking at "semi-symbolic" approaches to specific problems in artificial intelligence.

4- Statistical Artificial Intelligence

In the 1990s, AI researchers developed complex mathematical tools to solve specific sub-problems. These tools are truly scientific, in the sense that their results are both quantifiable and verifiable, and have been responsible for many of the recent successes of AI research. This common mathematical language also allows for a high level of collaboration with more fields (such as mathematics, economics, or operations research). Russell Stewart and Peter Norvig described this movement as nothing less than a "revolution" and a "victory for the regulars".

Artificial intelligence has been used successfully in a wide range of fields including expert systems, natural language processing, voice recognition, image recognition and analysis as well as medical diagnosis, stock trading, automated control, law, scientific discovery, video games, toys and Internet search engines. Often, when technology becomes more widely used, it is not seen as artificial intelligence, and is sometimes described as the impact of artificial intelligence. It is also possible to incorporate it into artificial life.
How to determine whether the worker is intelligent or not? In 1950, Alan Turing proposed a general procedure for testing the intelligence of a worker now known as the Turing test. This procedure allows examining most of the major problems of artificial intelligence. But it is a very difficult challenge at the present time, and all the factors that came before it failed.

The AI ​​can also be evaluated according to specific problems such as small problems in chemistry, handwriting recognition and games. These tests are called the expert Turing tests. The smaller the problems, the greater the number of achievable goals, and the greater the number of positive outcomes. Artificial intelligence test results are classified into the following groups:

Optimization: it could perform better.
Strong Superhuman: Performing better than all humans.
Superhuman: He performs better than most humans. Less than human: worse than most humans perform.
Machine learning uses examples of expected inputs and outputs (called "structured data" or "training data"), in order to continually improve and make decisions without being programmed to do so in an incremental chain of instructions. This approach is similar to actual biological cognition, in which children learn to identify objects (such as cups) from examples of the same objects (such as cups of different kinds). Today's application of machine learning is widespread, including spam isolation, machine translation, and voice, text and image recognition.
Deep learning has evolved from machine learning, and it uses a large number of artificial intelligence algorithms (known as “artificial neural networks”) to recognize patterns, and thus provides the ability to collect and classify data that is not labeled
The 2019 Technology Trends Report: Artificial Intelligence presents data and analytics that reveal trends, key players, and the geographic spread of AI-related patents and scientific publications. The shape data in the report is available on the report page. . Furthermore, the AI ​​index in the PATENTSCOPE database allows PATENTSCOPE to be searched for AI-related patents using the corresponding search form used in the WIPO Technology Trends Report: Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial intelligence has a significant impact on the creation, production and distribution of economic and cultural goods and services. Artificial intelligence is increasingly contributing to major developments in all fields and industries. Autonomous vehicles, advanced manufacturing processes and medical diagnostic tools are cited as examples. It turns out that AI will affect almost all areas. As the development of artificial intelligence accelerates, its impact and general use will increase, which will greatly affect society and the economy. AI will begin to perform many routine tasks that were until now the preserve of humans. WIPO's Technology Trends Report 2019 - Artificial Intelligence presents the transition of AI-related inventions from theory to practical application.